Lower Owens Fish Report 07-12-07

Owens River - CA

by Gary and Pat Gunsolley
(760) 872-3581

The current flow rate is 450 cfs. This flow will probably remain throughout the summer. The fishing has been good despite the warm weather we have been having. Morning has been best with midges, such as WD-40's and tiger midges in sizes 18-20. Mid-day there is a BWO hatch and some of the fish are rising to them but it is very sporadic and this depends on the cloud cover. Nymphing a micro may or a flashback bead head pheasant tail throughout most of the day. Later in the afternoon try using caddis larva in sizes 14 and 16. A couple of ???B' or ???AB' size split shot will be needed to get the fly down. The fish have been rising in the evening to black or olive size 16-18 elk hair caddis.

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