Fish Report for 11-21-2024
Opportunities to Discover the Outdoors and Wild Foods

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife
It’s the thrill of having a front-row seat as a wetland comes to life at dawn, being so close to birds that you can hear the beats of the wings and feel the wind they create on your face. It’s the chaos of a valley quail covey erupting from cover; the heart-pounding excitement of a tom turkey somewhere in the distance answering your call. It’s the chance to share with friends and family a wild game meal they can’t get in any grocery store, farmers market or five-star restaurant.
Californians will have two ideal opportunities to acquaint themselves with the hunting experience during California’s 2024-25 Free Hunting Days. Each year the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) director designates two Free Hunting Days. In this license year, they are Nov. 23, 2024, and April 12, 2025. On these days, eligible California residents may hunt without purchasing a California hunting license, provided other requirements are met.
The dates are carefully and intentionally chosen to provide the widest variety of hunting opportunities and options for anyone interested in hunting. The November date will allow participants to chase opportunities in waterfowl, upland and small game hunting, while the April date occurs in time for turkey and wild pigs.
Residents interested in trying hunting for the first time are encouraged to try Free Hunting Days and discover their own connections to the outdoors and wild food in California. Experienced hunters are also encouraged to participate in Free Hunting Days and share their knowledge by mentoring someone new.
Requirements for participation include proof of completion of a hunter education course, possession of a valid Free Hunt Days registration and any required tags, federal entitlements and entry permits. All hunting participants in Free Hunting Days must be accompanied by a mentor at least 21 years of age who holds a valid California hunting license.
With the possession of a valid Free Hunt Day registration, residents wishing to hunt on the two designated days are not required to possess a California Hunting License, a California Duck Validation or a California Upland Validation. All hunting regulations, including bag limits, gear restrictions and shooting times remain in effect for Free Hunting Days. Participants must also possess any additional requirements, including passes for state-operated wildlife areas, tags and federal entitlements such as a Federal Duck Stamp for those hunting waterfowl who are 16 and older. Those choosing to hunt wild pigs will need to purchase and possess a Wild Pig Validation.
More information is available at CDFW’s Free Hunting Days web page. The Free Hunting Days registration is available at no cost at CDFW license sales offices, from license agents and through CDFW’s Online License Sales and Services website (opens in new tab). Participants may also choose to download the CDFW License application on their smart devices to display their Free Hunting Day Permit, tags and California validations. Hunting seasons, regulations, places to hunt and other resources are available at CDFW’s Hunting in California web page. For additional information for participants hoping to get started hunting this season, visit CDFW’s R3 web page for a variety of resources.
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