Fish Report for 9-30-2021
Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers. Mother nature did not waste any time did she? When It's fall, she just hits a switch to cold, and here we are. Here in the Carson Valley we got as low as 23 degrees. For those souls in Bridgeport, the temperatures got down to 13 degrees. Time to get out the big coats and maybe some long underwear for those cold morning fishing trips. Before I get to my report, I would like to make a correction in regard to areas that are closed to the public. I have been in contact with Daniel Dull, a Park Ranger for the Carson City Bureau of Land Management- Sierra Front Field Office. He shared with me more explanation of the area's closures, which I have included with this report. Pursuant to 43 CFR 9212.2, the following emergency is necessary to ensure public safety during fire rehabilitation operations after the Tamarack fire which started on July 4, 2021. All public land areas , trails, excluding Airport Road located within Alpine County, California and administered by the BLM-Nevada Carson City District will be temporarily closed effective at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, August 21st, and will expire on November 30, 2021, unless otherwise rescinded. This area includes the east side of Indian Creek Reservoir, and the lands surrounding the lake. This also includes the East fork of the Carson River accessed by BLM managed lands from the Carson River Resort to the CA/NV stateline. This also includes the Hangman's Bridge Area. You access the BLM website to view the land closure in the areas at This is for your safety and to help with restoration of the areas. If you are caught trespassing in these areas. Title 43 CFR 9212.4 provides that to any person. Who knowingly and willfully violates this Emergency Closure Order, is punishable by imprisonment of not more than 12 months or a fine in accordance with the application provisions of 18 USC 3571, or both. I, as a fellow angler, want to make sure that I provide all the rules and boundaries of the areas we can and cannot fish at this time. When changes happen, I will pass them along.
LAKE TAHOE: This week the bite has been absolutely ballistic. You can basically choose what you want. Kokanees are still happening on the southwest corner but the fish are changing color. 85-100 ft down over deeper water both trolling and jigging.
The mackinaw bite is excellent as the fish are mostly in Pre spawn with some beginning to spawn. Jigging in 130-220 off any ledges holding fish will produce fast action on fish from 2-10 lbs. Williamson Gomoku jigs, 2 oz tipped with minnows on 20 lb braid. Now myself I have been targeting and absolutely crushing Rainbows, Cutthroat and shallow Mack’s , trolling and drifting minnows on bait balls in 50-70 ft water. For more information call Tahoe Topliners Sportfishing at 530-721-0593.
SILVER LAKE: The water level is still high enough for small boats to launch. Fishing has been slow but will pick up with the colder temps. Rapalas have been the best on the east side of the lake. Please be courteous of the fire fighters in the area that are still battling the Caldor Fire.
CAPLES LAKE: Due to closures in the area in reference to the Caldor fire. The Caples Lake Resort has closed for the season. I spoke with El Dorado Irrigation District last week in regard to the day use area and public boat ramp. The area is closed and there is no potential date yet for when or if they will open for the remainder of this season. The water level is low and there have not been many reports from shore anglers recently
WOODS LAKE: closed for the season due to Caldor fire and safety concerns in the area
BLUE LAKES: PG&E has closed the lake for the season due to safety concerns. The road is open to the 4th gate. I talked with the Forest service about camping in the area. I was told that you are allowed to camp along the road area. But remember that there are NO campfires or charcoal bbqs allowed. Smoking is only permitted within your vehicle on US Forest lands.
CARSON RIVER WEST FORK CALIFORNIA SIDE: The water levels are very low and there have not been many anglers out testing the waters.
CARSON RIVER EAST FORK: The river is running low and is very fishable. Look for the slower moving areas in the deeper pools. Fish the headwaters of that area with a green mice tail and a small split shot 12 inches up the line, you will have to adjust size of the weight for the current. Salmon eggs have also been productive drifting across the ripples. Fishing is only allowed from the Carson River Resort upstream until November 30. For more information stop by the Carson River Resort.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR; Closed until November 30th or restrictions have lifted.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level has dropped considerably. The boat ramp at the Douglas County ramp is open, but the docks have been removed. When you launch, stay to the west side of the ramp. There is a drop off on the east side of the ramp. New regulation this year. The lake is now open all year for angler to enjoy. The NDOW will be setting up their plant schedule for the lake later in December. I have not heard if the Lodge will be having their derby this year. Will keep you posted.
HEENAN LAKE: The lake is open to catch and release fishing seven days a week until the end of November 30th. Artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. reports I have had is that fishing has been very productive for cutthroat trout in the 12" to 19" inch class.
PYRAMID LAKE: October 1st is opening day for the fall season/winter season. A Nevada fishing license is not required, but a tribal permit is required. They are $24 daily or $62 for a three day permit for adults. Youth permits ages 12 to 17 are $12 daily or $32 for a three day permit. Boat lunch is $24 daily or $66 for a three day permit. Camping is $32 per vehicle per night, or $66 for a three day permit per vehicle. Day use is $22 per vehicle per day. You can get your permits online at, or at the ranger station located at Sutcliffe. There are some rules and regulations that need to be adhered to while fishing on the lake. There is a slot limit of 2 fish per day. 17" to 20" and over 24", only one of your catch and keeps can be over 24" long, or you can keep 2 in the 17" to 20" range. Do not fillet your fish on the reservation, each fish must be verified for proper size and length. Barbless hooks, artificial lures or flies only and no scents may be added to your presentation. You can use 2 singles, 2 doubles or 2 treble hooks only. A marine band radio is highly recommended on the lake, which is monitored on channel 16. You Must keep a distance of 250' from shore anglers while trolling. Check the website or ask when you arrive for areas of where you are allowed to camp. Some beaches are closed to the public. I also would prepare yourself for the size of fish you catch while fishing the lake. Many angler are wowed at the sight of a 3 to 6 pound fish, At Pyramid these are classified as youngsters. This lake also contains the ancient Cui-ui fish. These fish are to be immediately released unharmed.
NDOW SCHEDULED FISH PLANTS: Mitch Pond, Baily Pond, Siemens Pond, Marilyn's Pond, Wilson Common Pond, Spooner lake.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. Remember, wherever you venture out to, No campfires are allowed anywhere. If you get a picture of your catch, send it to [email protected]. I hope to see you on the waters soon. Good fishin' and tight lines.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to [email protected]. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
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Indian Creek Reservoir: East Side of The Lake is Open
Bridgeport Reservoir: The fishing has picked up recently

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